Registered training organisations (RTOs) play a critical role in Australia’s economy, providing skills and knowledge for the country’s workforce. In doing so, RTOs must operate in accordance with a complex regulatory framework. The key components of this framework* are:
- National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 (NVR Act)
- Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015
- Australian Qualifications Framework
- Fit and Proper Person Requirements 2011
- Financial Viability Risk Assessment Requirements 2011
- Data Provision Requirements 2012.
Additional requirements apply for RTOs that deliver training or overseas students, access VET Student Loans or other public funding and/or provide training and assessment in areas subject to industry regulation.
RTOs can deliver training from 57 training packages, which collectively include almost 1,500 qualifications and more than 16,000 units of competency. In addition, close to 700 accredited courses are available for RTOs to deliver. Each of these training products comes with its own set of specifications and requirements that dictate how training and assessment is to be completed.
Little wonder, then, that many RTOs are unsure about their obligations or that many struggle to manage their compliance with the regulatory framework in an effective and sustainable manner. There is good news, though – we can help you to navigate and comply with all these requirements.
Running an effective, profitable RTO is your job – helping you add ‘compliant’ to that is ours. Contact us now to discuss how we can work together to benefit your organisation.
* Providers registered by the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority or the Training Accreditation Council Western Australia operate under similar but different frameworks.